20 Tips for Preparing Your House For Sale
Some Highlights: When listing your house for sale, your top goal will be to get the home sold for the best price possible! There are many...

Still Think You Need 15-20% Down to Buy a Home? Think Again!
According to a new study from Urban Institute, there are over 19 million millennials in 31 cities who are not only ready and willing to...

The True Cost of NOT Owning Your Home
Owning a home has great financial benefits, yet many continue to rent! Today, let’s look at the financial reasons why owning a home of...

The Cost of NOT Paying PMI
Saving for a down payment is often the biggest hurdle for a first-time homebuyer as median incomes, rents, and home prices all vary...

Should I Buy Now? Or Wait Until Next Year?
Some Highlights: The cost of waiting to buy is defined as the additional funds it would take to buy a home if prices & interest rates...

2 Factors to Watch in Today's Real Estate Market Whether Buying or Selling
When it comes to buying or selling a home there are many factors you should consider. Where you want to live, why you want to buy or...